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スクリーンショット 2021-01-24 22.09.01.png
-Main perth 0.25.53

-Main perth 0.25.53



-Void perth

-Void perth



-Vegetable perth

-Vegetable perth



Floating Market Firat sketch

Floating Market Firat sketch




サイゴン川から水路を引き込むと同時に、川によって隔てられたホーチミン主要部とThu Tiemの文化的、観光、経済の[ハブ]となる。





[Gentle Membrane]

It is a hub and "port" for fisheries, markets, food and culture.

It is also a large umbrella that watches over and nurtures the city's relationship with the river, a lively and primitive trade and food culture that has survived in the shadow of economic development.

It will be a cultural, tourist and economic hub for Thu Thiem and mainland Ho Chi Minh City separated by the river as well as drawing in waterways from the Saigon River.

By attracting local residents, tourists and producers from distant places, it is expected to become a major hub for culture and tourism as well as a distribution point for fresh food, clothing and wine.


[Market Uniqueness]

We believe that Asian affluence has been formed by the openness of people, the connections and bustle among individuals, and the interaction of individuals with their communities.

We see the local people as the face of the "shop" and the smallest and most important unit of the economy.

Under the "big umbrella", a shop is not developed by zoning, but changes its aspect depending on the time of year and events.

The lack of zoning and "no restriction" is not directly related to economic efficiency, but promotes the open-mindedness of Ho Chi Minh City's markets.

We propose a future vision that fits into the new Ho Chi Minh City's urban planning while preserving its economy and its unique Asian trades and cultural exchanges.

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